“An honor to felicitate the extraordinary Mr. Arpan Sharma, a Guinness World Record holder and renowned mind trainer, whose groundbreaking techniques in mental conditioning and motivation have transformed countless lives. Mr. Sharma, based in Kathmandu, holds the prestigious title for his outstanding achievements in the field of mind training, pushing the boundaries of human potential.
In the presence of Mr. Manish Kumar, President of the Global Book of Excellence, and Mr. Ashish Sarraf, Head of Operations, we celebrated his unparalleled dedication to empowering individuals through his innovative mind training programs. His journey is an inspiration to all, showcasing the power of mental resilience and discipline. 🌟
#GlobalExcellence #WorldRecordHolder #MindTrainer #ArpanSharma #Kathmandu #Inspiration #Felicitations #Achievement #Empowerment”